
7 Things Women Needs To Know Before Douching

                        7 Things Women Needs To Know Before Douching    Douching is washing or cleaning out the vagina with water or other mixtures of fluids. Most douches are sold in stores as prepackaged mixes of water and vinegar, baking soda, or iodine. The mixtures usually come in a bottle or bag. You squirt the douche upward through a tube or nozzle into your vagina.  Some Reasons Women D ouch e And Facts B ehind Them.   Q: Why should women not douche?   A: Most doctors recommend that women don’t douche. Douching can change the necessary balance of vaginal flora (bacteria that live in the vagina) and natural acidity in a healthy vagina. A healthy vagina has good and harmful bacteria. The balance of bacteria helps maintain an acidic environment. The acidic environment protects the vagina from infections or irritation.  Q: Wh...


HOW TO BE HAPPY IN THE BEDROOM THROUGH LITTLE THINGS THAT COUNT    How to Finger a Girl – Step 1: Preparations Sex doesn’t start in the bedroom . It doesn’t even start with foreplay. Long before you even meet your girl (wife/girlfriend/one-night-stand), you have to prepare yourself. When it comes to fingering a girl, your fingers and especially your finger nails have to be ready. You finger nails should of course be well groomed all the time, since it’s one of the things women always look at when meeting a man. It’s unlikely that a woman will even have sex with you if you have dirty fingers or sharp finger n ails If you haven’t already done so, buy yourself a nail clipper and a good nail file. Use YouTube if you don’t know how to groom your nail – it’s not that difficult. If you have really bad nails then go get a manicure. It’s well worth it. Now you’re ready to meet your girl. She’ll definitely notice your well groomed fingers, but she p...