When the Buck starts and Stop with Her.
Today we speak of the girl child and women empowerment both in Africa and world over as if we are programmed to do so just like machines. It has become the song in every leaders mouth both in the social, political, economic and cultural positions. Am not writing to criticize this initiative because i also had my umbilical cord attached to this wonderful and beautiful creature called a woman. The irony in it is a major topic of question as the same woman has made herself be subjected to doing things that wears down their image, moral and worth in the modern society. It is not the question of who advocates for the right of a girl child most or loudest but how they are working towards making sure that their rights and dignity is held by those who surround them. why should men sit down and wait until the dignity of their mother, daughter or sister is comprised to act in the name of fighting on their behalf? As much as men want to play the role of empowering women, it is the responsibil...