This Thing Called Money
Money, according to the adage, makes the world go round. And just now the world appears to be spinning wildly out of control, escaping from its traditional orbit and raising the specter of a head-on collision with economy, democracy and the welfare of humanity. Concern with the prevailing monetary system has given rise to calls for abolition of the current system of national currencies, a return to the gold standard, elimination of debt money and interest, reversion to local currencies that were prevalent in earlier centuries, and invention of new forms of money such as energy currency or earth currency linked to productive capacities and natural resources. The plethora of ideas floating around suggest that there is widespread discontent and confusion intermixed with a good dose of myth and superstition regarding the origin, nature and role of money in society.
Rather than hastening to contribute one
more solution to the mountain that has been proposed, we may do well to
first inquire into the fundamental principles on which money is based
and the process by which it has evolved with the development of society.
This may help us identify the precise points at which the global
monetary system has become vitiated and ensure that any changes we
propose are in line with humanity’s evolutionary advance.
1. What is Money?
Money, according to economists, is a medium
of exchange, store of value, unit of account. To which other social
sciences might add, it is a source of status and social prestige, a
provider of physical and psychological security, a contributing factor
to human welfare and well-being, a basis for military strength, a source
of public influence and political power. But these terms merely
describe its major functions without really explaining what money is.
Money is an evolving symbol of economic
value and social power. Over the past two thousand years, it has
undergone numerous changes in form, content and the source of the value
it seeks to represent. In early times, money took the form of objects of
intrinsic value such as cows, tobacco, furs, grain, and various metals.
It later took the form of intrinsically or ornamentally valuable
objects such as precious metals, which acquired symbolic value as a
representative for many other objects. It was also standardized in the
form of coins minted from precious metals, whose value was linked to
their metallic content.
The introduction of purely symbolic money
as a substitute for material objects marked an important stage in social
development. Symbolic money was created based on trust in an issuing
institution, such as the receipts issued for grain on deposit in the
Pharaoh’s warehouses or gold on deposit with London goldsmiths, and the
myriad bank notes issued by literally thousands of American banks during
the 19th century.
Originally intended to reflect existing
material assets, money also gradually evolved to represent future
intention and purchasing capacity. Promissory notes indicating an
intention to pay in future became a powerful stimulus to trade in
Renaissance Italy. Wooden tallies issued by the British treasury became
prevalent around the same time to represent the Treasury’s future tax
receipts. The government bonds so prevalent today constituted an
essential foundation for the rise of modern nation-states. Ultimately,
this led to the issuance of purely fiat currencies, backed only
partially by precious metals and anticipated tax revenues. The real
backing for national currencies is trust in national institutions of
governance supported by the physical assets and productive capacities of
the nation issuing them.
The progressive etherealization of money
has given rise to endless suspicions, cries of outrage and conspiracy
theories, under the assumption that money is, in essence, a physical
thing (like the cows and gold nuggets) which has been corrupted and
perverted by evil minds. But the etherealization of money has also taken
place during the most remarkable period of development in human history
and has been associated with a seven-fold rise in real global per
capita GDP, so we are advised to seek to fully understand its
contribution to human development before condemning and rejecting it
wholesale. Closer analysis will show that the growing power of money has
always arisen from its symbolic value. Still we are describing only
types of money without yet inquiring into what money truly is. We can
better understand the power of money by conceiving of it as a purely
human creation.
2. Language as a Social Organization
Throughout history, human beings have
striven to develop capacities to enhance their power of individual and
collective accomplishment. Some capacities are primarily powers of the
individual, such as skill in running, climbing, shooting, fire making,
cooking. Other powers, such as language, family and government, can
only develop and be expressed in relationship with other people. Money
is one of the primary collective powers developed by humanity for social
accomplishment. Like language, money is an instrument to promote
productive, cooperative human social relationships.
Money is one of the greatest inventions of
all time. Like language, money is not a thing in itself but rather a
social organization designed to promote and facilitate interaction and
interchange between human beings over space and time. Language consists
of symbolic sounds and images in the form of words, but those words are
meaningless objects until assigned a standardized value by members of
the community, so they are commonly accepted to represent the same thing
to different people. Language is an arrangement and organization of
sounds, signs, letters, figures and words in a sequence according to
rules of grammar and diction, standardized forms and established
conventions, which facilitate communication of ideas, intentions,
feelings, sensations and physical facts.
Language has made possible the evolution of
Homo sapiens from merely gregarious social animals through civilization
and culture into creative, inventive, thinking, learning human beings
governed by values, ideals, ideas, prevailing beliefs, customs, laws and
a huge body of facts and knowledge derived from past experience.
Language is the foundation and medium for interpersonal relationships,
family, community, civilization, culture and all higher human
attainments. Language makes possible the preservation of past
experience, discovery and accumulated knowledge on which civilization is
based; the sharing of experiences, ideas and feelings over vast
intervals of time and distances in space; the communication of our
deeper emotions on which intimate human relationships are founded; and
the formulation of dreams, aspirations and ideals which direct our
energies for future progress.
The social organization we refer to as
language has endowed humanity with a power for individual and collective
accomplishment unimaginable for other species. Language generates power
and is a form of power – power for communication, knowledge,
relationship, production and exchange, war and negotiated peace,
governance, education, scientific and technological development,
intellectual inquiry and artistic creativity, recreation and
entertainment, romance, religious worship and spiritual enlightenment.
3. Money as Social Organization
Money is also a social organization based
on generally accepted symbols, set rules, standardized forms and
established conventions. Money too depends on acceptance of common
standards for form, unit, value and recording. It is a social
organization which includes institutions related to minting, issuing,
banking, transmission, accounting, taxation, etc. Though originally
assuming the form of objects of intrinsic value, the time is long past
since the institution of money evolved more symbolic forms which were
easier to transport, store and innovatively adapt to represent
non-material forms of value.
As language promotes exchange of ideas,
information and intentions, money facilitates the exchange between human
beings of goods, services and other things of perceived value. Exchange
is the social and economic basis for the evolution of society. Without
exchange, each human being must rely solely on his own energies to
produce all that he desires or on his capacity to take by force that
which is possessed by others. Exchange replaces physical violence and
war. It makes possible division of labor, specialization and conversion
of one type of good or service into any other type. Exchange is possible
without money, just as communication is possible without spoken or
written language, but in both cases, they are severely constrained in
utility, scope, space, time and effective power without the aid of
higher symbolic forms.
The evolution from barter exchange to
monetary exchange has resulted in enormous social progress – from
isolated rural communities into regions organized around urban centers,
city states and eventually kingdoms, nation-states and the emerging
global community. The evolution of money has facilitated the growth and
development of production, commerce, armies, governments, education,
science, technology, urbanization and all forms of art.
4. Evolution of Social Power
When human beings exist at subsistence
level, money has little utility, since each person produces just
sufficient for self-consumption. At the time of Adam Smith only about
15-20% of production passed through monetarized exchange. Initially,
money represented the added value of a commodity when a producer
employed his surplus production for trade rather than for
self-consumption. As production and trade expanded, money came to
represent the power of the society for production and exchange of a wide
range of products and services. As society became more complex and
integrated, money came to represent the conversion value of one form of
social power (productive, political, educational, social, transport,
communication, entertainment) into another form. Thus, it evolved into a
generalized symbol for all forms of social power and a medium for
transfers from one form to another. Production, trade, money, banking,
finance, governance, transport, communication, education all form
elements of the integrated social organization which is the source of
all wealth and power. As recent experience illustrates, the attempt to
separate economy or banking from governance shows just how
interdependent economy and politics have become. The political power of
money in modern democracy is their relationship and interconvertibility.
Society has become a seamlessly integrated
whole. All forms of social power contribute to the collective capacity
of society to accomplish that underlies the value of money. In the
measure that an ordinary bag of grain can now be converted into more
education, medical care, entertainment, travel, etc., it has acquired
far greater value than the original bag of grain produced by the
subsistence farmer in the distant past. Money is a means for multiplying
the value of every human attribute and capacity.
5. Internet
A comparison of money and the Internet may
more clearly place money in its evolutionary context. The Internet is
the first truly global social organization functioning ubiquitously in
space and instantaneously in time. It capitalizes on the powers created
by all previous organizations, most especially the communication powers
of language and exchange power of money, to generate an unlimited power
for collective social accomplishment. As an instrument for personal and
social communication, it dwarves the power of all the mechanisms
previously devised through history from the newspaper to the telephone
and television. As an instrument for education, it makes conceivable the
delivery of the highest level and quality of education to all human
beings in the near future. As an instrument for governance, it makes
feasible, if not yet actual, the participation of all citizens in the
process of law making. Humanity, which was just a few millennia ago
dependent on the beat of the drum for conveying messages quickly through
space and rock paintings to record events for posterity, now depends on
the Internet, which provides it with the capacity to communicate,
exchange and unite as a single social body globally.
6. Sources of Social Power
The extraordinary and unique social power of money arises from multiple sources:
"Money fosters the formation of complex,
integrated societies by facilitating the exchange of one form of social
power into other forms."
Money facilitates exchange, so valueless surplus acquires value. (An
isolated French village around 1900 fed its surplus grape production to
the pigs since it had no way to exchange grapes for other things of
value. A year after a road and bridge connected the village to the
nearest town, it began exporting wine. Like roads, money facilitates
The advantages of money over barter, which requires the double
coincidence between buyer and seller, are well documented. As the
introduction of Hindu/Arab numerals and double entry book-keeping vastly
facilitated the growth of commerce in Italy during the late Middle Ages
(imagine trying to multiply and divide with Roman numerals! or to
calculate profit from a cash ledger), money vastly facilitated exchange
in terms of the variety of products, number of transactions, extended
over space and time.
Money is a catalyst for transactions. Exchange energizes people to take
greater effort. It provides an incentive for producers to produce more
than they can consume and to also produce things of which they have no
need, but, which have value to others.
Trust: By
promoting exchange, money fosters cooperative human relationships for
mutual benefit, even among those who do not know each other personally.
It promotes trust in others. Each successful transaction increases
confidence between buyer and seller and augments the propensity for
further transactions. Thus, money encourages the extension of trust
which is essential for cooperation and expanding human relationships.
Initially, trust is personal in someone we know. Personal trust in known
individuals is extended to strangers through the medium of money. At a
subsequent stage, trust in individuals and transactions grows into trust
in the system for exchange and the institutions that facilitate that
exchange (middlemen, processors, distributors, warehouses, retailers,
financiers, and customers). Human and institutional relationships
expand. Society grows more sophisticated and complex. The individual
participates in a widening social network and progressively
universalizes his capabilities, similar to the way internet expands the
reach of each individual human being.
already discussed, money fosters the formation of complex, integrated
societies by facilitating the exchange of one form of social power into
other forms. The power to produce crops can ensure protection from
famine. The power of a strong military can defend against invasion. Good
roads facilitate transportation. Schools and scholars promote
advancement of education and knowledge. Political institutions promote
effective governance. Each can develop independently, to a certain
extent. But in order for society to emerge as a cohesive unit, they need
to be integrated. Money makes possible that integration by facilitating
inter-convertibility of one form of social power into all other forms.
Ultimately, money comes to represent the overall power of society to
achieve its varied goals in all spheres of life. Without money, modern
society is inconceivable. Without society, money has no value.
7. Myths about Money
Money is subject to a range of myths and
superstitions that pose serious obstacles to its further evolution. Our
notion of money as a thing gives credence to the superstition that it
must necessarily be scarce in the same way land and precious metals are
scarce resources. But understanding money as a social organization, we
perceive that it is capable of infinite multiplication, the same way
information, knowledge, law, education and other social institutions can
and do multiply. As humanity now possesses the capacity to produce
sufficient food, clothing, housing, education and medical care to meet
the needs of all human beings, it also has the capacity to create
sufficient money to ensure effective distribution of those necessities.
The evolution of money is a key to
universalizing prosperity through peaceful social evolution. The opening
up of commercial relations between China and USA in the 1970s is a
dramatic example of the power of money to channel human energies from
destructive violence to peaceful cooperation. Today, we live in a world
with unprecedented productive capacity. Yet, it is also a world in which
precious human, social and productive capacities remain underemployed
or unutilized. The problem we face today is not incapacity to meet human
needs, but incapacity to fully utilize our productive capacities for
the benefit of all humanity. Understanding and attitudes toward money
constitute a central part of the problem.
So too, the social status traditionally
acquired and still enjoyed by the wealthy also supports the myth that
scarcity of money is essential for social welfare, the same way feudal
aristocracy believed that limiting status and privilege to a rare few –
10,000 families in 18th century England – was essential for social stability and preservation of culture. The prevailing ideals and values of the 21st century compel us to multiply and distribute the privileges of freedom, equality and social security to all humanity.
The times of scarcity are drawing to an
end. Ushering in abundance of freedom, rights, education, wealth and
power-sharing will necessitate a breaking of established privileges and
entrenched power structures. In the past, this has almost always been
accomplished by violent revolution. Today, we have the means to make the
transition by peaceful evolution rather than violent revolution. As in
the past this process will be driven, not by the permission of the
privileged, but by the idealism, aspirations, demands and actions of
"Liberating ourselves
from allegiance to outdated attitudes is the essential condition for
converting the current crises into evolutionary opportunities."
Attacks on the prevailing system of money
are an encouraging indication of a growing social awareness and
aspiration for a more effective and equitable organization of social
power. An impartial, objective inquiry into the social origins, power
and evolution of money is the right starting place and essential
condition for fashioning a better future for humanity.
The problems the world faces today are
because human attitudes have not evolved to keep pace with advances in
technology and social institutions. Liberating ourselves from allegiance
to outdated attitudes is the essential condition for converting the
current crises into evolutionary opportunities.
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