I hate to engage in politics but this lady has always baffled me whenever she takes her turn at the "mic". Her statements today were not only self-serving but, aggressively, brutally, stupendously and enormously damaging to both the President and the peace of this country. Millie you stepped too far though it is your personal opinion granted to you by the  constitution under the auspices of freedom of expression.I know many consider you a hero, but what dent do you think it leaves of your personality and to the larger extent, the attitude of the society towards electing women to such positions? To me you ain't no champion. Those acts are not even close to calling selfless acts.
   You know freedom is sweet and only sweet when the person given that freedom uses it to champion for the general good not fulfilling personal interests. It is an insult not only to the president but to the whole of his family, kinsmen, tribe, friends as well as enemies who may even feel more stupid by competing with a dwarf, his region and the whole country whom you suggest is ruled by a gravely stupid person.
    As much as i am not very pleased with Jubilee government, the opposition must show us what really they have to offer. If you win the next years elections how much would you sit on peoples rights, and how much would you be spewing on us kenyans seeds of hatred and impunity. A normal person cannot just wake up in the morning knowing very well that she is going to abuse the head of state. I know some critics will say that i dont understand the situations that might have led to such outbursts but it was not appropriate at all.
   Millie if you want Baba to go to the state house, know that everytime you throw such a drama some 10 or 10000 votes that had already changed in favour of Baba from Central Kenya or Rift valley are shifting back to their original camps. We must all try to moderate our language at times even when we feel we have been wrapped in a steel box. Remember the more you struggle in such situations the more energy you loose and the faster your chances of demise increases. Keeping calm is the ultimate  remedy.
            UHURU YOU MUST ALSO WAKE UP.!!!!
     WE as citizens of Kenya we are getting tired with your sideshows. How many times do you have to use the anti-riot police to achieve your goals and impose policies on people. while you are engaging in such activities, how do you expect others to react? pamper you whhile congratulating you for good work you are doing to keep safe the kenyan parliament while Al-shabab is disconnecting North Eastern Kenya from the mainstream population. Who should stop them???
    Get your priorities right Mr. President and lead from the front in showing good leadership styles to this you ng generation who look at you as a paragon. You cannot keep on intimidating people to drive you point home. 2017 is coming and all Kenyans wish for is a peaceful election and co-existence, after all elections will always come and go but we Kenyans will forever want to be alive.
Cord and jubilee must ensure Kenya remains peaceful by dealing effectively with their differences. what picture are you showing to the world?


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